Nancy Staniland

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Last-minute Running Tips Before the London Marathon

It’s almost time for the London Marathon, all the training miles have been done and the start line is in sight.  Here are some tips to get you to the start line ready to go:

1. Nutrition - Have a plan for your nutrition worked out for the day.  Take a look at where the water and feed stations are on the route and what brand of gels and snacks there are so you know you are familiar with them already.  You probably have a good idea of how much you eat & drink on long runs already so this should give you a guide of what gels/bars you will want to carry.  Pick gels/snacks that you have used before so you know that these are good for your stomach, try and avoid anything new to eat on race day.  

2. Getting to the start - Before race day read the info pack and check your route to the start, getting across London often takes more time than you think and there will be a lot of runners heading to Greenwich for the start of the London Marathon so plan ahead and give yourself ample time to arrive.  TFL gives you free travel on the day so no worries about what ticket you need!
Check the weather forecast as there can be a lot of standing around before you get to the start you might need a big bag or old jumper to keep you warm after bag drop before the start.

3. Taper before the marathon - How much time you take to taper for your marathon is individual so choose a time that feels right for you and then stick to it.  The long runs have all been completed, so don’t be tempted to cram in some last min miles with some friends who are not training for the marathon.

4. Kit - Choose your kit wisely for marathon day, the saying goes ‘nothing new on race day’ so use shorts, trainers & top that you have run in before and that you know are comfortable.  Nothing worse than a blister a few miles in!

And most importantly enjoy the day, think about how amazing it will feel to cross that finish line and enjoy all of the crowds cheering you on.  You've put the training in so trust that you are ready for this.

If you are looking to improve your marathon time or training for your first marathon, get in touch to see how I can help you with your running & strength goals.

Book a free consultation call